“Fished professionally with Tom since the 90’s, he’s been talking about lithium cells for years now guess none of us are surprised when he started this business. As a serious angler that invests money in good equipment Gline Batteries are among the best if not the best lithium option for your boat. I cut well over 100LBS from the back of my boat and additionally my trolling motor is stronger especially late in the the day .”
Mike Wood / Pro Bass Fisherman

“Still testing the prototypes after a year we are still going strong, much more powerful than my lead acids and less than half the weight, fishing all day is not a problem with no power loss. Now that the site is officially up I was pleasantly surprised to see the reasonable price point vs. comparable marine lithiums”
Jeff Stark / Contractor, Tournament Fisherman

“Got these local from Tom, he helped me replace my lead acids that were on their last legs, so far these are way better than even my best previous batteries, and no hernia putting them in the boat. So much power to weight, this is the most shocking part…keep up the good work and thanks for the help.”
Bruce Plankhart / Retired, Fisherman

“I want to thank GLine! Called them asking about their starting battery as I currently have Lithium for my trolling motor (different brand) and wanted a starter, talked to Tom he steered me to his “rigging trix” video I was able to cut another 50lbs just from the starting battery by going to the GLine 500s, as well as keeping my electronics stable during starting battery use by following the rigging suggestions in the video section of the site. Should be noted GLine did not bash the other brand I have in my boat, said they were good batteries and should last me a decade, wish I would have known about these guys when I bought them, the G’s have more amps and 300 bucks less. Keep up the good work!”
Jeffery Dobson / (AR)

“I wanted to thank you for guiding me through the process of replacing my lead cell batteries with the new GLine 24 volt package. It has dropped 130 lbs from the weight in my boat while giving me twice the battery power. I ran a livescope 8 hours straight along with my two 12 inch Lowrance and 9 inch Garmin with minimal voltage drop. Hooking the livescope to the 24 volt side was an excellent idea, along with the recommendation for the purchase of the Noco charger.
Thanks again – I would recommend the GLine batteries for anyone looking to purchase new batteries. It’s worth the investment.”
Jim Jenkins / (IL)

“I did a lot of research with different companies for lithium batteries. I sent email’ s to different companies for more information, Tom was the first one to call me and spent 30 minutes on the phone talking about the in’ s and out’ s of lithium. The other companies quoted me almost 3 times the price for their version of the same product. After speaking with Tom I ordered and installed what he recommended. I finally got my Caracal out after installation and the biggest change was how quick my boat got on plane, I guess this happens when you take out 150lbs in batteries in the back. I fished and had no problem with my livescope or any of the electronics on my boat with these batteries. I look forward to trying them out even more in the coming months. Thanks Tom!”
Dean Harvey / (OK)